
Are you a casual gamer, or perhaps a student or teacher, wanting a fun game about maths?
Then grab a calculator, head on over to buy my game mɛkso for $10.99 USD, or cheaper in bulk, wait for it to be delivered, grab your calculator again because you probably put it away by now, and play mɛkso! Not convinced that it makes maths fun? Just listen to this review:

"you made math fun."
- Liam, a high school student who had just playtested mɛkso

In all seriousness, mɛkso is a game I designed in the past, hence this post's category, and it's a game where each player has a goal number and tries to make the number in the middle equal to their goal number by using mathematical operators on it from their hand. That is an actual quote from Liam, who did indeed playtest mɛkso before I released the final version with cool graphics. And I designed the graphics exclusively with Javascript! Muahahahaha!

oh no this woman must be crazy if she designed graphics exclusively with javascript

mɛkso is indeed available for $10.99 USD, or cheaper in bulk. The cost of production for one copy is $10.91 USD, meaning once The Game Crafter, the manufacturers, get their 30% of the profit, I earn an entire $0.06 USD for every purchase! Muahahahahahaha!

oh no this woman must have poor money sense if she only makes 6¢ USD per sale

Yeah I probably do, my goal was just to make the game affordable. I should probably seek employment to earn money but all the jobs I found needed a high school diploma, which I don't have because I'm too young. Darn.

also why is this game named mɛkso? That seems inconvenient