LEGS font

The L.E.G.S. font is a font made via me tracing the letters in the webcomic El Goonish Shive. Development on it actually started nearly a year ago, on 2020-05-02, but I just didn't consider the possibility of sharing it in a more accessible place until just now.

L.E.G.S. is short for Letterized El Goonish Shive. Yes I picked the name so it would spell a word. In the EGS Discord server I was calling the successive iterations 2LEGS, 3LEGS, 4LEGS, but I dunno that seems a bit impractical for a more public distribution.
EGS uses a font made by the author that has not been distributed to my knowledge, hence the tracing. I traced only high-definition letters that were like 20px tall or so I think.

Notable things about L.E.G.S are:

You can download the current version of L.E.G.S here (12444 bytes).

<ins datetime=2023-07-17> Sometime afterward, GIMP and some other image editors started displaying the font too thin. In GIMP, this can be fixed by right-clicking the text layer and clicking "Composite Space"→"RGB Perceptual". If the above doesn't work, as a last resort here's a thicker version of the L.E.G.S font. </ins>

License: I give everyone the rights to do whatever they want with the font except for lying about it. Don't say it came to you in a dream in 1993 and you spent several years designing it to perfection as you travelled through France. That would be an example of a lie. Don't say you forgot where you got it either, because that would be another lie, unless you actually did forget, which is not encouraged.

Footnote 1: (yes I've got a footnote it's so fancy) "Another Font Test of Doom" on DeviantArt