RSS in Rarebit

A widely used webcomic framework online nowadays is Rarebit. (I wouldn't recommend Rarebit as a first option but this page isn't about that.)

One downside of Rarebit is the lack of an RSS feed. As a solution, I have made a script which can generate a webcomic RSS feed from any Rarebit-using website.

To run rarebit-rss.js, first make sure you have NodeJS installed. Open rarebit-rss.js with a text editor and edit the three strings at the beginning to match your comic's URL, title, and a file to output the RSS to.
Whenever you post a new page, update it as normal, making sure the page is present on the live version of your website, then run the command node rarebit-rss.js. This will generate the RSS feed file, which you can then upload to your website.
It works like this because I made it for my friend who didn't have a local copy of their website, so we have to get the data from the live version.