Elaboration of Gaiety

As you know from my About Page, my pronouns are she|they (she/her and they/them are both fine; use either) and I'm asexual, aromantic & non-binary.
I'm gay! in the sense of generally queer. also in the sense of "most straight people wouldn't do this".


I'm the type of asexual who doesn't want sex and generally avoids explicit sexual content.


I'm the type of aromantic who might do some stuff considered "romantic" (for example, cuddles), but do it platonically. ("No romo" is an excellent phrase for communicating one's lack of romantic intent.)

Gendered words

As mentioned before, my pronouns are she/her or they/them. Both are equally preferred.

Generally, I'm fine with being referred to by feminine terms (woman, lady, gal) as well as gender-neutral terms (person, adult, gay). (For the purposes of this Viatrix, "gay" is the gender-neutral form of "guy"/"gal".)

If you must refer to me by a title à la "Mr"/"Ms", choose the first available item on this list:

  1. No title
  2. "Misc." (short for Miscellaneous)
  3. "Miss" (should only be needed if you're some kind of old computer database)

If you must refer to my by an honorific à la "sir"/"ma'am", choose the first available item on this list:

  1. No honorific
  2. "madam" (not "ma'am")